Category Archives: Bøger

Mordheim Official Rules for Witch Hunter Warbands

The Order of the Templars of Sigmar, universally known as the Witch Hunters, is an organization dedicated to the eradication of heretics, be they warlocks, witches, sorcerers, fortune-tellers, necromancers, worshippers of dark gods, deviants, mutants, blasphemers, sinners, mutterers of profanities, servants of Daemons, pornographers, or composers of corrupting music. Even when Death by Fire is the proscribed punishment for heretics, most of those guilty cheat and foul the Witch Hunters’ noble intentions by dying during questioning before making a full confession and retraction of their wicked ways.

Witch Hunters are charismatic rabble-rousers who can soon turn a crown to their own ends. They are universally dreaded, for everyone has something or someone to hide. Even the Sisters of Sigmar are sworn enemies, as only those loathsome Daemon-worshipping she-heretics whose very existence are a vile affront to the majesty of Sigmar could have survive the Hammer of Sigmar’s Wrath by making further packs with the dark gods. Now, they have turn their cleansing crusade into Mordheim. All elements of Chaos must be destroyed, and the Wyrdstone must be returned to the proper care of Temple of Sigmar… under the watchful eye of the Grand Theologist himself!

Choice of Warriors:

A Witch Hunter warband must include a minimum of three models. You have 500 gold crowns which you can use to recruit your initial warband. The maximum number of warriors in the warband may never exceed 12.

  • Witch Hunter Captain: Each Witch Hunter warband must have one Witch Hunter Captain.
  • Warrior-Priest: Your warband may include a single Warrior-Priest.
  • Witch Hunters: Your warband may include up to three Witch Hunters.
  • Zealots: Any number of models may be Zealots.
  • Flagellants: Your warband may include up to five Flagellants.
  • Warhounds: Your warband may include up to five Warhounds.

Starting Experience:

  • A Witch Hunter Captain starts with 20 experience.
  • Witch Hunters start with 8 experience.
  • A Warrior-Priest starts with 12 experience.
  • Henchmen start with 0 experience.

Witch Hunters’ Skill Tables

  • Witch Hunter Captain Combat, Shooting, Academic, Strength or Speed.
  • Witch Hunter Combat, Shooting, Academic or Speed.
  • Warrior-Priest Combat, Academic or Strength.

Witch Hunters’ Equipment List

Witch Hunter List <————–> Zealot List

Dagger 1st free/ 2 gc Dagger 1st free/ 2 gc
Hammer/Mace 3 gc Hammer/Mace 3 gc
Axe 5 gc Axe 5 gc
Sword 10 gc Sword 10 gc
Double Handed Weapon 15 gc Double Handed Weapon 15 gc
Spear 10 gc
Crossbow 25 gc Bow 10 gc
Pistol 15 gc Short Bow 5 gc
Pistol, Brace 30 gc
Crossbow Pistol 35 gc
Light Armor 20 gc Light Armor 20 gc
Heavy Armor 50 gc Shield 5 gc
Shield 5 gc Helmet 10 gc
Buckler 5 gc
Helmet 10 gc

Flagellants List

Flail 15 gc
Morning Star 15 gc
Double Handed Weapon 15 gc


1 Witch Hunter Captain; 60 gold crowns to hire
Driven by fanaticism, Witch Hunter Captains are obsessed with cleansing Mordheim and bringing the justice of Sigmar to all. Carrying the edict of the Grand Theogonist himself, they have the divine right to judge and execute warlocks, witches, Chaos worshippers… in fact all who dare to oppose them.

4 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 8

Weapons/Armor:  Witch Hunter Captain may be equipped with weapons and armor chosen from the Witch Hunter Equipment list.

Special Rules:

  • Leader: Any warrior within 6″ of the Witch Hunter Captain may use his Leadership value when taking Leadership tests.
  • Burn the Witch!: A Witch Hunter Captain hates all models who can cast spells.

0-3 Witch Hunters; 25 gold crowns to hire
Witch Hunters are members of the grim Order of Witch Hunters, dedicated to eradicating Chaos and all its minions. Usually they prowl the Old World individually trying and executing the enemies of Sigmar, but the situation in Mordheim requires them to band together.

4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

Weapons/Armor: Witch Hunters may be equipped with weapons and armor chosen from the Witch Hunter Equipment list.

Special Rules:

  • Burn the Witch!: Witch Hunters hate all models who can cast spells.

0-1 Warrior-Priest; 40 gold crowns to hire
Many powerful fighting men have come from the ranks of the faithful. The Priests of Sigmar are no exception, and the military wing of the cult is feared and respected throughout the Empire. The Grand Theogonist himself has granted the Warrior-Priests an edict to cleanse Mordheim of Chaos filth. With fire burning in their eyes, the Warrior-Priests stride into battle, chanting aloud the Deus Sigmar, the praise of the patron god of the Empire.

4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8

Weapons/Armor: A Warrior-Priest may be equipped with weapons and armor chosen from the Witch Hunter Equipment list.

Special Rules:

  • Prayers: A Warrior-Priest is a servant of Sigmar and may use the Prayers of Sigmar as detailed in the Magic section.


(In groups of 1-5)

0-5 Flagellants; 40 gold crowns to hire
Flagellants are fanatics and madmen obsessed with the end of the world. They are often men who have lost their families to war or the ravages of nature, and have also lost their minds. With insane persistence, they travel the length and breadth of the Empire, preaching their view of the end of the world. With their rousing speeches, Witch Hunters can muster these dangerous lunatics to fight in the streets of Mordheim, where no sane man dares tread. Flagellants are extremely dangerous opponents in close combat, for they have the strength of madmen, and their bodies have become inured to pain because of self-mutilation.

4 3 3 4 4 1 3 1 10

Weapons/Armor: Flagellants may be equipped with weapons and armor chosen from the Flagellant Equipment list. Flagellants never use missile weapons, even if they gain an Advance roll which would otherwise allow them to do so.

Special Rules:

  • Fanatical: Flagellants are convinced that the end of the world is nigh, and nothing in this world holds any terror for them. Flagellants automatically pass all Leadership-based tests they are required to take. A Flagellant may never become a warband leader.

0+ Zealots; 20 gold crowns to hire
When a man loses his family, home and all he cared for, religion is often the last refuge left to him. Such men become wandering pilgrims, bitter and dangerous fanatics who are prepared to avenge their loss at any cost. These men are called Zealots. Zealots have forsaken their former lives and exist only to destroy evil and the minions of Chaos. Whilst they might have been peasants and craftsmen before, and thus may not be as dangerous in a fight as seasoned mercenaries, their determination and fanaticism should not be underestimated. Witch Hunters find ready allies in their ranks, and many a band of Zealots is led by Witch Hunters.

4 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 7

Weapons/Armor: Zealots may be equipped with weapons and armor chosen from the Zealot Equipment list.

0-5 Warhounds; 15 gold crowns to buy
Witch Hunters often keep packs of ferocious hunting dogs. With their huge jaws and powerful bite, they are perfect for hunting down (and tearing apart) any heretics, mutants, deviants and witches.

6 4 0 4 3 1 4 1 5

Weapons/Armor: Jaws and brutality! Warhounds never use or need weapons and armor.

Special Rules:

  • Animals: Warhounds are animals and thus do not gain experience.

Mordheim Official Rules for Cult of Possessed Warbands

As the Magister of a Cult of Possessed, you command a group of worshippers of the Dark God Tzeentch, the Master of Change. Your warriors are no ordinary men, but crazed fanatics who willingly let Daemons take over their bodies and minds. Human sacrifices, dark rituals, Daemon worship – nothing is too gruesome or low for you and your men.

The Possessed worship an Unspeakable Beast which lurks in the darkness of The Pit, the crater which the meteor left to scar the earth in Mordheim. They believe that this mythical creature is an emissary of Tzeentch, the Master of Change. The Possessed carry a symbol of the Dark Moon on their shields and robes. Come now, child, and hear of the power and glory of the Dark God. Your nobles and priests have fooled you, for it is Tzeentch, the Changer of Ways, who is the true master of this poor, thin world. Now you have heard this. Now you too must change… or die.

Choice of Warriors:

A Possessed warband must include a minimum of three models. You have 500 gold crowns to recruit your initial warband. The maximum number of warriors in the warband may never exceed 15.

  • Magister: Each Possessed warband must have one Magister: no more, no less!
  • Possessed: Your warband may include up to two Possessed.
  • Mutants: Your warband may include up to two Mutants.
  • Darksouls: Your warband may include up to five Darksouls.
  • Brethren: Any number of models may be Brethren.
  • Beastmen: Your warband may include up to three Beastmen Gors.

Starting Experience:

  • A Magister starts with 20 experience.
  • Possessed start with 8 experience.
  • Mutants starts with 0 experience.
  • Henchmen start with 0 experience.

Possessed Skill Tables

  • Magister may choose from the Combat, Academic or Speed.
  • Possessed may choose from the Combat, Strength or Speed.
  • Mutant may choose from the Combat or Speed.

Possessed Equipment List

Possessed List <——————–> Darksouls List

Dagger 1st free/ 2 gc Dagger 1st free/ 2 gc
Hammer/Mace 3 gc Hammer/Mace 3 gc
Axe 5 gc Axe 5 gc
Sword 10 gc Sword 10 gc
Double Handed Weapon 15 gc Double Handed Weapon 15 gc
Spear 10 gc Flail 15 gc
Bow 10 gc None
Short Bow 5 gc
Light Armor 20 gc Light Armor 20 gc
Heavy Armor 50 gc Heavy Armor 50 gc
Shield 5 gc Shield 5 gc
Helmet 10 gc Helmet 10 gc


1 Magister; 70 gold crowns to hire
Magisters lead the covens of the Possessed. They have been granted magical powers by their patron gods. They are fanatical followers of the Dark gods, utterly dedicated to bringing Chaos to the world.

4 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 8

Weapons/Armor: The Magister may be equipped with weapons and armor chosen from the Possessed Equipment list.

Special Rules:

  • Leader: Any models in the warband within 6″ of the Magister may use his Leadership instead of their own.
  • Wizard: The Magister is a wizard and uses Chaos Rituals. See the Magic section for details.

0-2 The Possessed; 90 gold crowns to hire (+ the cost of mutations)
The Possessed have committed the greatest of heresies: they have given their bodies to Daemons. As a result, they are nightmarish creatures, a melding of flesh, metal and black magic. Inside them lives a supernatural thing of evil, a Daemon from the dark reaches of the Realm of Chaos. The powerful spirit of a Daemon can meld several creatures together, be they men or animals, into a multi-faceted horror. These monstrous Possessed are perhaps the most dangerous of the creatures of Mordheim, and certainly the most loathsome and dreadful.

5 4 0 4 4 2 4 2 7

Weapons/Armor: None. The Possessed never use weapons or armor.

Special Rules:

  • Fear: The Possessed are terrifying, twisted creatures and therefore cause fear. See the Psychology section for details.
  • Mutations: Possessed may start the game with one or more mutations each. See the Mutations list over the page for costs.

0-2 Mutants; 25 gold crowns to hire (+ the cost of mutations)
Mutants are revered as the favored ones of the Dark gods, their physical disfigurements marking out the vileness of their soul. They come in many shapes and sizes, each more bizarre than the next.

4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

Weapons/Armor: Mutants may be equipped with weapons and armor chosen from the Possessed Equipment list.

Special Rules:

  • Mutations: Mutants must start the game with one or more mutations each. See the Mutations list over the page for the cost.


(In groups of 1-5)

0-5 Darksouls; 35 gold crowns to hire
Darksouls are men who have been driven insane by the daemonic possession which became all too common after the destruction of Mordheim. The Daemons have left the bodies of these men, but their minds have been scarred by the horror of the experience. Their insane strength makes Darksouls dangerous fighters. The Cultists regard them as holy men, and let them work out their unreasoning rage in battle. In their tortured minds the Darksouls believe themselves to be Daemons. They wear leering daemonic masks and garb themselves in armor and clothing resembling the scaled skin of Daemons.

4 2 2 4 3 1 3 1 6

Weapons/Armor: Darksouls may be equipped with weapons and armor chosen from the Darksouls Equipment list.

Special Rules:

  • Crazed: Darksouls have been driven insane by daemonic possession and know no fear. They automatically pass any Leadership tests they are required to take.

0+ Brethren; 25 gold crowns to hire
Brethren are the crazed human followers of the cults of the dark gods, eager to descend into damnation. Their vile deeds and unspeakable acts have driven them to the brink of insanity.

4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

Weapons/Armor: The Brethren may be equipped with weapons and armor chosen from the Possessed Equipment list.

0-3 Beastmen; 45 gold crowns to hire
Beastmen are mutated monstrosities that infest the forests of the Empire: massive horned creatures with an inhuman resistance to pain. The destruction of Mordheim brought many Beastmen into the ruined city to prey upon the survivors. They readily ally with the Magisters of the Possessed warbands.

4 4 3 3 4 2 3 1 7

Weapons/Armor: Beastmen may be equipped with weapons and armor chosen from the Darksouls Equipment list.


Those who dwell in Mordheim soon develop horrible mutations, and the Cult of the Possessed seem to be especially susceptible. In addition, Mordheim attracts mutants from all over the Empire, who are always quick to join the Chaos covens. Most mutations are simply inconvenient or hideous, but some make their bearers extremely dangerous in combat.

Mutations may be bought for a Mutant or a Possessed warrior only when they are recruited; you may not buy new mutations for a model after recruitment. Any Mutant or Possessed may have one or more mutations. The first mutation is bought at the price indicated, but second and subsequent mutations bought for the same model cost double.

  • Daemon Soul; Cost: 20 gc
    A Daemon lives within the mutant’s soul. This gives him a 4+ save against the effects of spells or prayers.
  • Great Claw; Cost: 50 gc
    One of the mutant’s arms ends in a great, crab-like claw. He may carry no weapons in this arm, but gains an extra attack in hand-to-hand combat with a +1 Strength bonus.
  • Cloven Hoofs; Cost: 40 gc
    The warrior gains +1 Movement.
  • Tentacle; Cost: 35 gc
    One of the mutant’s arms ends in a tentacle. He may grapple his opponent in close combat to reduce his attacks by -1, down to a minimum of 1. The mutant may decide which attack his opponent loses.
  • Blackblood; Cost: 30 gc
    If the model loses a wound in close combat, anyone in base contact with the model suffers a Strength 3 hit (no critical hits) from the spurting corrosive blood.
  • Spines; Cost: 35 gc
    Any model in base contact with the mutant suffers an automatic Strength 1 hit at the beginning of each close combat phase. Spines will never cause critical hits.
  • Scorpion Tail; Cost: 40 gc
    The mutant has a long barbed tail with a venom tip, allowing him to make an extra Strength 5 attack in each hand-to-hand combat phase. If the model hit by the tail is immune to poison, the Strength of the hit is reduced to 2.
  • Extra Arm; Cost: 40 gold crowns
    The mutant may use any single-handed weapon in the extra arm, giving him +1 attack when fighting in hand-to-hand combat. Alternatively, he may carry a shield or a buckler in the extra arm. If a Possessed chooses to do this, he gains an extra attack but still cannot carry a weapon.
  • Hideous; Cost: 40 gold crowns
    The mutant causes fear. See the Psychology section for details.

Some Observations on GW’s IP and Copyright

Games Workshop is in the same position today as the music industry was at the time of Napster. In principle they have a strong legal monopoly on their IP and copyrights which their lawyers enforce way more strongly than is the norm in the gaming world. Consider how many of the common tropes of sci-fi and fantasy games, and off-handed references between one game and another, that would never have happened if every producer enforced their IP as strongly as GW.

Furthermore, after the arrival of rivals like Mantic and Avatars of War, many of GW’s ideas have effectively been diluted to the point where their presence in the market allows third-party publishers and producers to release ideas and miniatures that are similar in background and aesthetic to GW’s. (Orange-haired berserker dwarves are no longer the sole monopoly of GW. Nor are evil elves with lizard capes and crossbows.)

Around the time of Napster, individual people were deterred and fined astronomical amounts for distributing music that they did not have the rights to. But through force of numbers, unlicensed distribution won out over IP, and today we can listen to every song on YouTube. I believe that we are today in the same position regarding the status of GW’s copyright and IP. The ideas have effectively been diluted and seeped into the public domain, but for the IP to be free, the movement needs people who are willing to risk their necks, and understandably, not many people are willing to do so.

Most notably, people could push the boundaries of GW’s alleged IP and copyright by publishing products and works which are allowed within the confines of copyright law but which GW wants you to believe are illegal (more on this below).

Getting sued for copyright infringement is scary, and most small-time producers cannot afford the cost. There will be victims in the fight to release fantasy and sci-fi works that are in some sense inspired by GW. But the reality of copyright and IP laws (and even patent laws, as Elon Musk will attest) is that they are not enforceable if the opposition is determined enough. GW wants to keep you scared. But the reality is that GW only needs to lose once to lose for good. Just like the music industry only needed to lose once to lose for good.

Here are some observations on copyright and IP law that I have gathered.

“Fair Use” and Criticism in the U.S.
Under U.S. law, it is almost impossible to restrict the criticism of a publication. This means that if you are a U.S. citizen, publishing in the U.S., you can actually post entire statlines and points costs of units online, as long as your purpose for doing so is criticism. For example, you could write a post on your personal blog called “Review of Warhammer Armies: Wood Elves 8th edition,” which pretty meticulously ran through all of the units as long as your post was clearly intended as a criticism of that publication.

Games Workshop wants you to believe that they can prevent you from posting such information, even if you phrase it as criticism. To maintain this illusion, they send threatening Cease and Desist letters to writers who publish such information, but U.S. law is fairly clear about the right to fair use for the purposes of original commentary and criticism.

Game Rules Are Not Copyrightable
In the U.S. at least, game rules are not copyrightable unless they are the subject of a patent. This means that in principle there is nothing copyrightable about a statline and a points cost (although unit names can be trademarked and *are* trademarked by Games Workshop, which places certain restrictions on the use of their names).

This means that in principle there is nothing to stop you from publishing the rules for entire armybooks as long as you (1) omit all background text, (2) rename the units that are the subject of GW’s trademarks, and (3) rephrase the specific way in which the rules are phrased.

Games Workshop tries to maintain their grip on the rules by interspersing the rules with background and fluff. Remove the background and fluff, and you remove the copyright.

Products That Are “For Use With” Have Been Ruled Legal
Producers have previously released products that have no use on their own, but are solely “for use with” another party’s products. For example, a company that did not own the rights to the board game Trivial Pursuit has released a module that had no use on its own, but was made “for use with” Trivial Pursuit. The case was taken to court, and the producer’s right to release a product that was meant “for use with” another producer’s product was upheld. Similarly, a recent court ruling in the EU upheld a third-party producer’s right to produce coffee capsules for Nestle’s Nespresso machines, even though these machines are the subject of a patent from Nestle and therefore entitled to increased protection.

In principle, this means that people should be able to release their own “for use with” modules for Warhammer. For example, a “Warhammer Armies: Fishmen” should be your prerogative to release to market as long as you omit all background text that infringes on GW’s specific trademarked units (i.e. don’t mention Skaven in the fluff). Like the capsules that were released “for use with” the Nespresso machine, you should in principle be able to release your own Fishmen models “for use with” Warhammer proper.

These observations should be seen as my personal reflections on Games Workshop’s IP and copyright. This post should not be construed as providing legal advice of any kind. Though reasonable arguments and extrapolations can be posited from previous court rulings, there is no “hard formula” for determining the limits of copyright and IP in advance, before they have actually been tried in court.

Lykkerg / Aagerups Piketty-debat

(1) Debatten handlede meget om, at man ikke måtte “arve uretfærdigt.” At arv kan stride mod vores sans for fairness. Men penge er ikke det eneste, der kan arves. Intelligens er f.eks. stærkt arveligt, og IQ/g er en stor prædiktor for, hvor godt du klarer dig i livet. Tilmed også for hvor længe du lever. Højde er også stærkt arveligt, og (for mænd) er det vigtigt at være høj, hvis du skal blive anset som en ledertype. Kvinder, der ser godt ud har også muligheder, som kvinder, der ikke ser godt ud, ikke har, og så videre.

(2) Piketty er ofte blevet sammenlignet med Marx, men på baggrund af gårsdagens debat kunne man også sammenligne med Rawls: En række politiske forslag, som på overfladen virker rimelige og sympatiske, men som ville medføre en ekstrem grad af politisk kontrol, hvis de skulle gennemføres. Rawls siger selv et sted (mener jeg), at man ikke selv ejer sine gener, da man ikke har gjort noget for at opnå dem. Jeg tror det er de færreste, der ønsker sig et samfund, hvor det er politikerne, der ejer dine gener.

(3) Ud over gener, kan man også arve kontakter og familienavne, som giver en en “unfair” fordel i livet. Auken, Hækkerup og Helveg-Petersen-klanerne kunne tjene som oplagte eksempler. I medieverdenen er der også eksempler på sønner og døtre af “store personligheder,” som har fået topjobs, de måske ikke helt har fortjent.

(4) Lykkeberg snakkede flere gange om “risikofri investeringer.” Hvor er de? Hvad med, om vi alle sammen giver 10.000 kr. til at starte en hedge fund, som Lykkeberg styrer? Det er jo åbenbart risikofrit. Vi bliver rige.

Fremtidens Ulighed

Af Ryan Smith, redaktør

Her kommer en række barske økonomiske fakta: I år 2000 var gennemsnitslønnen for unge mennesker med en gymnasial uddannelse 11% højere, end den er i dag. Ungdomsarbejdsløsheden har i flere vestlige lande ligget stabilt omkring de 10% igennem flere år. Så godt som samtlige grene af erhvervslivet efterspørger i dag mindre fysisk arbejdskraft, end de gjorde for blot få år siden. Og ca. 75% af de jobs, som USA har genvundet siden finanskrisen, ligger i vandskorpen omkring minimumlønnen.

’New Normal’ er ikke blot et slogan i en bankreklame. Det er en global økonomisk realitet. De stabilt opadgående år fra efterkrigstiden er definitivt borte og kommer aldrig igen. Så klart er budskabet fra den ansete amerikanske økonom Tyler Cowen, der gennem flere år har undersøgt problematikken.

Cowens hovedtese er, at internettet, økonomisk globalisering og tiltagende intelligente computere tilsammen er godt i gang med at vende op og ned på den økonomiske orden, vi kendte. Med internettet og moderne computerkraft kan en enkelt person i dag udrette, hvad der skulle dusinvis af mennesker til for at udrette i efterkrigstiden.

Ligeledes er intelligente computerprogrammer på nippet til selv at kunne skrive avisartikler og give karakterer til universitetsopgaver. Middelklassen er således truet fra to sider: På den ene side fra virksomheder, der udnytter de nye vilkår til at innovere, sådan at der globalt udrettes mere med mindre arbejdskraft (tænk Google og Amazon). Og på den anden side fra computerprogrammer, der slet og ret overtager middelklassens jobs.

Ud fra denne udvikling forudser Cowen, at den gamle samfundsindretning med en arbejderklasse, en middelklasse og en overklasse gradvist vil blive erstattet af en ny samfundsindretning. Fremtidens samfundsorden vil overvejende tegnes af en overklasse og en underklasse – vi vil få markant flere fattige, men også markant flere rige. Uligheden vil eksplodere.

Således finder Cowen anledning til at tage livtag med venstrefløjens favoritstatistik, nemlig at reallønnen for den amerikanske middelklasse er stagneret over de sidste 40 år. Faktuelt er det korrekt, men årsagen er ikke (som det hævdes), at de rigeste udnytter middelklassen, så meget som det er et spørgsmål om, at der i dag er mindre efterspørgsel efter middelklassens arbejdskraft.

Fremtidens polarisering vil ifølge Cowen foregå som følger: Samfundets superrige vil i løbet af de næste 20-30 år vokse fra at udgøre ca. 1% af befolkningen (de famøse ”one percent) til i stedet at udgøre 10-15%. De øvrige af os vil i absolutte termer leve bedre end nutidens middelklasse. Men opgjort som relativ ulighed, vil vi andre være længere fra samfundets superrige, end vi er i dag.

For at være blandt de nye superrige er det ifølge Cowen ikke nok at kunne arbejde innovativt med teknologien. Man skal også være den absolut mest talentfulde inden for sit felt. Kun de færreste af os er i stand til at nævne navnene på Googles, Amazons og Netflix’ største konkurrenter, for på internettet er der ingen nummer to.

Således er det Cowens pointe, at den ulighed, som vi har set tage til siden 70’erne, ikke blot er et lokalt eller kortsigtet fænomen, som vil rette sig selv ud på sigt. Tværtimod har vi at gøre med de første skridt på vejen mod en ny normaltilstand, hvor uligheden vil være markant højere, end den er i dag.

Og hvordan ser Vesten så ud i 2034? Efter årtier med dalende fødselsrater vil vi være betydeligt ældre, end vi er i dag. Samtidig vil vi dog bruge maskiner til betydeligt mere, så den projekterede ældrebyrde behøver ikke blive så tung som beregnet. Udefra vil vi være presset af Kina og spille en mindre rolle i verden. Vestens mest attraktive storbyer (såsom Geneve, San Francisco og New York) vil i tiltagende grad blive omdannet til oplevelsesøkonomiske legepladser for det internationale jetset, mens den skrumpende middelklasse må søge billigere beboelse i afsides og ucharmerende byer.

Cowens forudsigelser kan minde om de skrækscenarier, som venstrefløjen i disse år udlægger som synonyme med ”ultraliberalisme.” Men ultimativt fastholder Cowen, at hans analyse hverken er højreorienteret eller venstreorienteret. Den er blot en nøgtern fremskrivning af de grundlæggende forhold, der allerede nu præger den globale økonomi, og som ikke kan slås i bakgear.

Et svar på Poppers ”Poverty of Historicism”

Af Pernille Sørensen

Det kan synes mærkeligt, at jeg har argumenteret for en anvendelse af falsifikationslignende metoder inden for historiefaget, eftersom netop historiefaget udpeges som uegnet for falsifikation i Poppers egen Poverty of Historicism (1957). Jeg mener imidlertid ikke, at der er nogen større modsætning mellem den brug af falsifikation i historiefaget, som jeg har advokeret i dette essay, og så Poppers tese i Poverty of Historicism. Poppers kritik af historicismen tager sig primært ud som en kritik af Hegel og Marxs historiske determinisme, der opererer ud fra betragtningen om, at historien bevæger sig mod et mål. Det er rigtigt, at selve historicismen ikke kan determineres og falsificeres. Men det er heller ikke det, jeg har argumenteret for i dette essay. Jeg har argumenteret for, at historikeren kan falsificere forskellige bestanddele af sit arbejde, og at man skal bruge falsifikation, hvor man kan. Poppers tese er altså, at historisk kausalitet ikke kan falsificeres. Min argumentation er, at hjælpemidler såsom korrelationer, indicier og enkelte kildetekster kan falsificeres og bør falsificeres. Eller sagt meget sloganistisk, så har jeg i dette essay argumenteret for, at historikeren skal bruge falsifikation, hvornår end han kan, vel vidende at historikerens konklusioner vdr. historisk kausalitet ikke er falsificerbare.

Så vidt jeg kan se, er dette standpunkt kun i strid med Poppers præmis II fra afsnittet Common Inconsistencies in the Arguments of Historicists: ”Historicists are bad at imagining conditions under which an identified trend ceases.”[i] Hertil vil jeg indvende (1) at hvis viden besidder sin egen immanente rationalitet, så vil effekterne af denne i sig selv vil være underkastet effekterne af falsifikation (2) at alle er sårbare over for confirmation bias, hvilket blot gør applikationen af falsifikation, hvornår end det er muligt, endnu mere nødvendig.

Når jeg alligevel går på tværs af Popper i denne sag, er det, fordi hans analyse efter min mening er unødvendigt finalistisk: Jeg er enig i Poppers kritik af Platon-Hegel-Marxs historicisme i den forstand, at historisk determinisme for nuværende må afvises på det kraftigste. Jeg er også enig med Popper i, at historiefaget for nuværende må benytte sig af en ”pragmatisk historicisme” afledt af observérbare korrelationer. Men hvor Popper mener, at historisk determinisme er umuligt, ”there is a barrier to what we can know about what we will know in the future” mener jeg, at vi endnu ikke ved, om det er muligt at determinere fremtiden ud fra tilstrækkeligt komplekse studier af fortiden.

Jeg mener også, at Poverty of Historicism trækker linjerne for hårdt op: Her er det vigtigt at etablere, at der er forskel på determinisme og sandsynlighed via korrelation. Popper argumenterer for, at man bør introducere en ”pragmatisk historicisme”, når determinismen er uopnåelig. Der mener jeg, at Popper skelner for hårdt mellem videnskab og ikke-videnskab: Selv hårde videnskaber som Fysik løber ind i problemer, der ligner historikerens: Man observerer korrelationer og ser mønstre gentage sig, men kan kun gisne om disses kausalitet. Historiefaget kan med andre ord kun komme et stykke ned ad den Popper’ske epistemologis vej.


[i] Popper, Karl: The Poverty of Historicism, section 28

Assorted Quotes on Jung and Religion

“To Freud’s great embarrassment, Jung expected psychoanalysis to become a replacement for religion.” – Shoji Muramoto[i]

“…if any patient came to Jung complaining of the ‘senselessness’ and ’emptiness’ of his or her life, Jung would immediately interpret this to be a religious crisis and would also envisage a religious solution.” – Jeffrey Masson[ii]

“Jung’s father and six of his uncles were pastors, and although Jung was dismissive of them as a young man, I think that’s what he really wanted to become. He wanted to be a spiritual leader. All the things that Freud could see him heading towards, he did head towards. Jung became a mystical, religious leader.” – David Cronenberg[iii]

“…there has not been one [of my patients over 35] whose problem in the last resort was not that of finding a religious outlook on life.” – C.G. Jung[iv]

“The class of correspondence Jung preferred was made up of Protestant and Catholic clergymen. With them he could discuss, ad infinitum, the matters of religion and theology that had held him spellbound since adolescence.” – Paul J. Stern[v]

“[To Jung] we are endowed with a yearning to be part of something big and sacred.” – James Graham Johnston[vi]


[i] Muramato: Awakening and Insight p. 122

[ii] Masson: Against Therapy p. 157

[iii] Unsourced.

[iv] Jung: Modern Man in Search of a Soul p. 299

[v] Stern: C.G. Jung – The Haunted Prophet p. 240

[vi] Unsourced.

Filosofiske smuler

Heideggers modernismekritik kan ikke længere adskilles fra hans antisemitisme efter de notesbøger. Modernismen var styg, fordi de overnationale jøder lettere kunne konspirere om at suge penge ud af os andre og nedbryde de europæiske kulturer i en åben, modernistisk samfundsorden end i en lukket præ-moderne orden.

Popper sviner filosoffer til for at være obskure, men Popper kunne selv lide obskure, svært tilgængelige filosoffer som Parmenides og Jacob Fries.

At mene, at det hele i sidste ende kan bevises videnskabeligt er OGSÅ et metafysisk standpunkt, men det kan/vil de, som mener dét, som regel ikke forstå. Blot ét citat – i øvrigt fra en naturvidenskabsmand – viser det:

“[It] is a metaphysical world view. … It cannot be proved with logic from first principles or be grounded in any definitive set of empirical tests. … Its best support is no more than an extrapolation of the consistent past success of the natural sciences.” – Wilson: ‘Consilience’

Hegel-delen af The Open Society er ekstremt tynd. Det er også tydeligt, at Popper var ude, hvor han ikke kunne bunde, i de svar, som han skrev til kritikere af Hegel-delen. Platon-delen var også overdrevet, og uhæderlig. Eksempelvis oversætter han Platons kaste-teori som et spørgsmål om “race,” med tydelige referencer til Nazityskland – plat.

Men underholdende, det var det.

Carnaps eget projekt styrtede jo i grus og måtte opgives. Kort sagt: Hvis logisk sproganalyses aksiomer skal være valide, så beskriver vi ikke verden, men et lukket sprogsystem, fjernet fra verden.

Hume sagde ikke, at vi ikke måtte slutte fra er til bør; han sagde bare, at det ikke i sig selv udgjorde ‘justified belief’. Ergo er det metafysik at tro, at vi har ‘justified our beliefs’, når vi gør det. Men Hume mener faktisk, at vi SKAL gøre det – vi KAN ikke andet som mennesker.

Heidegger var ikke atavist, men modernisme forstået som oplysningsværdier, universalisme, folkeret, meritokrati og et grundlæggende menneskeligt værd, som alle mennesker besidder qua mennesker – alle disse ting var han enten imod eller indifferent omkring.

I 2010 var der stadig folk, der i ramme alvor benægtede, at Heidegger var nazist og antisemit. I løbet af de tidlige 10’ere skiftede de så over og sagde, at selv hvis det var rigtigt, så ville det ikke have haft nogen indflydelse på hans filosofi. Nu er det afsløret, at Heideggers modernismekritik bundede i antisemitisme, fordi modernismen i hans paranoide og racistiske sind tillod jøderne kulturel dominans på tværs af nationalstater. Styk for styk falder Heideggerianernes beskyttelsesrum og krybegange af hellig renhed, inden for hvilke Heideggers antisemitisme i hvert fald ikke kan siges at have påvirket hans filosofi. Jeg ser personligt frem til Heideggerianernes næste undvigelsesmanøvre: “Det endegyldige bevis på den Heideggerianske tankes renhed er, at den slet ikke behøver have noget med Heidegger at gøre!”