Category Archives: Psykologi

Om adgangen til psykologi og psykiatri

Nogle vil mene, at det er en uskik at stille psykiatriske diagnoser, når man ikke selv er psykolog eller psykiater.

Dog tænker de næppe over, at idet de mener det, så støtter de en kultur, som er med til at bevare “rettighederne” på få hænder. At opretholde en lukket faggruppe med monopol på psykiatrisk arbejde er netop noget af det, som holder psykiatrien tilbage. Når man begynder at fokusere på folks kvalifikationer, snarere end deres argumenter, så går det ofte galt.

Ifølge én amerikansk undersøgelse får psykiatere flere pengegaver fra medicinalvirksomhederne end alle andre lægegrupper. Hvorfor mon lige psykiatere? Som den amerikanske psykiater Daniel Carlat har sagt: “Vores diagnoser er subjektive og udvidelige, og vi har få rationelle grunde til at vælge én diagnose frem for en anden.” – At få flere mennesker og flere kritiske øjne ind i den verden ville netop bidrage til at få renset ud og ryddet op.

Hertil vil folk ofte indvende: “Der er jo ingen tvivl om, at de forskellige diagnosesystemer er fejlbarlige, men mon ikke, at det er bedst at lade de mennesker, der er uddannede til det, in casu psykologer og psykiatere, om at diagnosticere?”

Hvis du kan påvise en regnefejl i en økonomisk analyse, så vil folk næppe komme efter dig med en bedrevidende formaning om, at du ikke er økonom. Hvis en ingeniørs bygning styrter i grus, så skal vedkommende stå til ansvar for sin fejl og kan ikke undskylde sig med, at han var ingeniør, og det var de folk, som opholdt sig i bygningen, altså ikke. Det eneste område, hvor analogien holder, er til læger. Og læger har netop også en notorisk kultur for ikke at underkende hinandens arbejde, for ikke at begå sig videnskabeligt i forhold til deres arbejde, og for ikke at tage andre faggruppers estimater alvorligt. Psykologer er faktisk ofte underlagt lægers (psykiateres) ledelse og oplever netop, at psykiaterne ikke tager psykologens argumentation alvorligt, da denne “jo ikke er læge.”

Når du snakker med psykologer på gangene i psykiatrien, så vil de brokke sig over, at psykiaterne har mere at skulle have sagt end dem, “blot fordi de er læger.” Når du snakker med psykologer i samfundet generelt, så vil de fastholde, at kun psykologer og psykiatere har den nødvendige fagkundskab til at varetage det arbejde, som de pt. har monopol på. Hvad der altså er en arbitrær faggrænse, der kommer på tværs af kompetencer indadtil, er pludselig en fuldt ud rationel skelnen udadtil. Hvorfor denne dobbelthed? Økonomisk teori ville sige, at psykologer handlede fuldt ud rationelt ift. at optimere deres egeninteresser, men netop ikke fuldt ud rationelt ift. at få mest mulig faglighed og kritik ind i psykiatrien.

Anmeldelse af Andrew Gregory: ‘The Pre-Socratics and the Supernatural’

Af Ryan Smith

the-presocratics-and-the-supernatural-magic-philosophy-and-science-in-early-greece Hvis De er i besiddelse af Deres børnelærdom, så ved De, at den traditionelle forklaring på præsokratiske filosoffers virke er, at deres tænkning var et videnskabeligt og rationelt modstykke til appeller til religion, magi og mysticisme. Denne synsmåde dominerer stadig litteraturen i præsokratisk filosofi. I The Oxford Handbook of Presocratic Philosophy (2011) hedder det f.eks., at præsokratikerne”undersøgte den fysiske verden uden at søge ly i det overnaturlige” (s. 231), og at de grundlagde en ”ny stil”, som undgik overnaturlige årsagsforklaringer (s. 428).

Undertiden anvendes denne synsmåde til at forklare, hvorfor Vesten udviklede videnskab, demokrati og liberalisme, mens de øvrige civilisationer sakkede agterud. Under denne synsmåde kan man henvise til præsokratikerne – Europas tidligste filosoffer – som et eksempel på, at rationalismen altid har gået særligt godt i spænd med det europæiske temperament.

Personligt har det dog altid undret mig, hvordan man som forsker kan blive ved med at fremstille præsokratikerne som rationalistiske videnskabsmænd, når mange af dem taler åbent om magi og mirakler. En anden person, som har undret sig, er videnskabshistorikeren Andrew Gregory, som netop har skrevet en monografi om de overnaturlige elementer i præsokratisk tænkning.

Gregory er selv rationalist og tror ikke på nogen form for overnaturlig kraft. Men han peger nådesløst på en central og tabuiseret svaghed ved forskning i præsokratisk tænkning: Som forsker bør man så vidt muligt holde sine personlige sympatier adskilt fra det, man forsker i. Men ikke desto mindre giver langt de fleste, som forsker i præsokratikerne, sig selv licens til at nedtone de fragmenter af præsokratisk tækning, der omhandler magi og animisme, mens de udlægger de fragmenter, der har med logik og naturfænomener at gøre, som den pågældende præsokratikers ’egentlige’ tænkning. Således kan en given præsokratiker risikere at få amputeret 50% af sit korpus, uden at de forskere, der fører skalpellen, overhovedet begrunder deres fravalg. Det er tvivlsomt, om den enkelte præsokratiker ville genkende sig selv i de moderne, saniterede udgaver, der i dag cirkulerer som deres tænkning. Og som Gregory påpeger, så er det en anakronisme af rang.

En anden anakronisme, som stort set alle begår, når de beskæftiger sig med videnskabshistorie, er, at de projicerer et moderne skel mellem natur og magi baglæns gennem historien. Som Gregory påpeger, så ville en sådan skelnen ikke have givet mening for præsokratikerne: Jorden rystede, solen kunne gå ud på vilkårlige tidspunkter, og indtagelse af visse planter kunne få en til at møde guder og modtage guddommelige syner. Naturen var magisk. Selv ild blev anset som en levende og beåndet substans.

Og dog er der også den anden side af de præsokratiske filosoffer: Den rationelle, som De lærte om i skolen. For mens det er sandt, at de præsokratiske filosoffer spekulerede i spådomme og trolddom, så er det også sandt, at de udfærdigede rationelle teorier om lufttryk i skyer og arternes oprindelse.

Det var den rationalistiske side af de præsokratiske filosoffer, som fik Popper til at identificere sig med Xenofanes, Einstein med Parmenides, og Werner Heisenberg med Heraklit. Men rationalismen var kun halvdelen af fortællingen, og det giver anledning til interessante spørgsmål om, hvordan en sofistikeret epistemologisk skepticisme à la Xenofanes’ kan eksistere side om side med troen på spådomme og magi.

Gregory er ikke den første, der skriver om de magiske elementer i præsokratisk tænkning, men han er den første, der undersøger præsokratikernes relation til overnaturlige fra en position, hvor han ikke behøver undskylde for sin vinkling. Snarere end en astronaut, der tager de første forsigtige hop i et ukendt månelandskab, skriver Gregory med en landmålers nøgternhed, og han opgør omhyggeligt pro et contra uden stridbarhed eller kontrovers. Det overnaturlige islæt i præsokratisk tænkning kan ikke længere afvises i god tro.

Pythagoras havde et gyldent lår og kunne tale med de døde. Empedokles kunne helbrede de syge med magiske ord og kommunikere med fugle. Parmenides kunne besøge dødsriget og få guder til at tale igennem sig. Snarere end de dispassionerede logikere, som De lærte om i skolen, var præsokratikerne altså en slags shamaner – præcis som de andre shamaner og medicinmænd, der har stået for naturfortolkningen i andre primitive samfund.

The Pre-Socratics and the Supernatural er dermed også en bog, der har implikationer for diskussionen af den politiske universalisme. Over for det kulturalistiske argument om, at rationalismen indtager en særlig plads i den vestlige tradition, er der kun at sige: ”Det kan godt være. Men Vesten kommer også fra en irrationel begyndelse. Hvis Vesten kan, kan I også.” Friheden er ikke kulturelt bestemt. Den er alle mænds mulighed og ret.

Andrew Gregory: The Pre-Socratics and the Supernatural, Bloomsbury Academic, 2013

Zeena Schreck Exposes and Denounces Anton LaVey

The following is a letter from Anton LaVey’s daughter, Zeena LaVey to Michael Aquino in which she exposes and denounces his father. Go here for more interesting quotes on Anton Lavey.

Dear Dr. Aquino:

With the dawning of a new year, I felt this to be an ideal time to
communicate some thoughts to you that I trust shall bring about a
new awareness in many regards.

First of all, you should be aware that as of 30 April, 1990 (Anno
XXV) I officially and ritually ended my position as Church of Satan
representative-defender and daughter of Anton LaVey. This ritual
brought all contact between myself and the Church of Satan,
including my unfather, to a complete cessation. Although I felt it
my responsibility as a sincere advocate of the unnamable forces we
experience to attempt to fight off the Judeo-Christian hysteria of
the ’80s, I became too disgusted with the organization and the
individual I was foolishly standing in for to continue this charade
in “good” conscience.

While I have no regrets in my battle with the forces of ignorance,
and my own unswerving dedication to _my_ religion has only grown, I
could no longer defend such an ungrateful and unworthy individual as
the so-called Black Pope.

I feel it is only just that I give credit where credit is due, and
acknowledge that you have been quite correct about many aspects of
the modus operandi of the Church of Satan’s fearless leader.
Essentially, he is a coward and could not possibly deal with the
hostility that we have had to encounter in publicly defending our
beliefs. Despite this repellent lack of warrior spirit or pride on
his part, he was filled, and still is, with petty jealous criticism
of my efforts. This was easy for him to do from the safe vantage
point of the comfortable and risk-free easy chair we know he has
lived in for decades.

Besides my public appearances, I have also made many valuable and
unprecedented contacts with police and law enforcement officials in
the interest of providing more enlightened treatment of Satanists
everywhere. Of course, the mighty “High Priest” succeeded in
sabotaging these efforts to his own disadvantage, in addition to the
disadvantage of all practicing magicians. I believe he is, through
his ostrich-in-the-sand stance, a detriment to any attempt at
halting the scapegoat fever that has entered all of “our” private
lives. Indeed, his irresponsible laziness has repeatedly and
ignorantly endangered my life as well as the lives of many who were
misguided enough to support him.

The most recent and blatant example of this may be found in the
publication of the absurd catalogue of lies entitled _Secret Life of
a Satanist_ by (as told to) Blanche Barton. This fluffy PR release
masquerading as a book included, with typical irresponsibility, a
photo of my son without ever seeking his or my permission. Like all
of the self-serving bullshit printed in this volume, the malignant
use of an innocent child to buttress a flagging reputation and self-
esteem is a new low point in a career already dotted with depths.
For your information, despite Barton’s claim, Anton LaVey has never
given “tutelage” of any sort to his grandson. In fact my son was
shocked and angered at being hypocritically exploited by his
grandfather’s pathetic effort to portray himself as a loving family

Furthermore, despite the fact that this biography was printed long
after my resignation, Barton knowingly lied by perpetuating the idea
that I have anything at all to do with CoS and its founder. If
Barton chooses to spin other falsehoods about her subject’s life,
that’s fine, but she has crossed the line by including my son and
myself. You and I are both aware of the countless untruths contained
in this book, but I felt you should be illuminated on points
relating to myself (at least).

Another fact conveniently not included is the common knowledge that
as the co-director of the Werewolf Order, I have paved a unique path
of my own inspired by the Western European magical tradition. These
very European magical traditions, which I have always maintained as
my own, are of more personal importance to me than the largely
Eastern and negative Judeo-Christian imagery still so boringly
peddled by the CoS. In the desire to appeal to the masses, Barton’s
book makes it glaringly clear that the real motive of the Church of
Satan is to attract cash from “economic power brokers”; what other
reason could justify the sickeningly repetitive flattery she (he)
extends to Zionism, Bolshevism, and the state of Israel while safely
negating any Norse or Teutonic mythology?

Of course the reason Barton prefers to present me as loyal daughter
and #1 fan is to obscure the fact that my real activities in the
world are no longer connected to her mentor. The Werewolf Order is
and always has been a sovereign entity. Those participants in our
magical and public activities are now bound to a state of strict
neutrality. Far from wishing to continue the pointless bickering and
in-fighting, I speak for myself and the Werewolf Order in declaring
that there is no use for these hollow animosities which can, after
all, be no part of a truly initiated world view. Under the aegis of
Radio Werewolf, my music, writings, videos, and performances are
expressions of my _personal_ magical vision. Any other claim
concerning my activities is purely to feed the parasitic hunger of
that which you have dubbed “the Kennel”.

While we may find some theological differences in our approach, I
know you are sincere in your beliefs and have continued to publicly
defend them, for which I congratulate you. Laying aside these
differences, I’m sure you can comprehend the deeper and more
intangible aspects of all of this.

My unfather should never have carelessly tampered with the authentic
forces of darkness that he now idiotically believes are his own
creation. In fact, many times he has implied that he regrets opening
the “Pandora’s box” of Satanism. I have seen first-hand what his
insincere and cynical approach to these nameless cthonic powers can
do to one shaky and uncertain ego.

_I_ was born a Satanist; my unfather was raised in the mundane world
of humankind where he remains. He unwittingly served as the agent of
the true daemonic energy needed to sire me as a genuine magical
child. I have never seen any evidence that he honestly believes in
the force whom he has for so long exploited as a “good gimmick”.
Nevertheless he did succeed in attracting the ideal sorceress needed
for my conception. My mother, a natural magician as incarnation of
Diana the Huntress, was the driving force of the most positive
aspects of the Church of Satan. As you are aware, her design of many
of the magical insignias of the Church, her organizational and
administrative abilities, her uncredited contributions to the
_Satanic Bible_ and _Rituals_, and her charisma are but some of the
elements that proved her to be the backbone of what was once a vital
entity. As duality is a necessary dynamic in any form of progress,
it is mathematically easy to see that when one portion of the
duality is repelled, the other collapses into passivity. I am the
living essence of this particular duality maintained at its peak.

In light of all of the factors herein, I also officially severed my
given surname and now prefer to be known only as Zeena. As I feel
naturally aristocratic, I also have no need for the empty titles of
Magistra or High Priestess that have been bandied about and fought

Anton LaVey has degraded his own claimed religion, his family, his
supporters too often and too ignorantly. He created a monster in me,
for perhaps I am too serious about all this for the likes of the
High Priest who would prefer movie stars and “expensive” restaurants
to any meaningful magical experience. In the end the “balance
factor” he smugly refers to will be his ultimate undoing, for the
cosmic cards are stacked against him. We shall see where this
monster leads.

My last word on this tiresome subject relates to the film _Sunset
Boulevard_. You will recall the aging silent star portrayed by
Gloria Swanson. Indeed LaVey has shown himself to be the Norma
Desmond of Satanism, lost in decadent, nostalgic reverie, glaring
into the camera one last time, announcing, “I’m ready for my close-
up now, Mr. Bougas.” Tango music _up_. Fade to black.

I close this in hopes of ending any lingering antagonisms between
us, and to leave this psychic vampire behind us. By imparting this
to you, I trust it will be of service to all dedicated travelers of
the Left-Hand Path. May this letter bring a longstanding, unresolved
chord to its end with best wishes for the coming new year.

In the Promethean flame,

Kritik af Henrik Day Poulsens ‘Året hvor patienten bliver taber’

Henrik Day Poulsen afviser læge Peter Gøtzsches kritik af psykiatrien i Berlingske.

Day Poulsen kritiserer Gøtzsche for ikke at være speciallæge i psykiatri og insinuerer, at Gøtzsche derfor ikke ved noget om de ting, han udtaler sig om. Gøtzsche fremlægger imidlertid undersøgelser i sin bog, som Henrik Day Poulsen undlader at forholde sig til i sin kritik. Day Poulsens argumentation er således en arrogant appel til autoritet.

Arrogancen er fejlplaceret: Man behøver ikke være psykiater for at kritisere psykiatrien, akkurat som man ikke behøver være bankmand for at kritisere, hvad der foregik i banksektoren før finanskrisen. Det ville klæde Day Poulsen at fokusere på substansen og forholde sig til undersøgelserne, snarere end afsenderen.

Day Poulsen gendriver kritikken af lykkepiller med personlige anekdoter: “[Gøtzsche] påstår, at ‘lykkepiller’ ikke virker, men han sidder ikke som psykiater eller praktiserende læge, der dagligt oplever, at patienterne … får det markant bedre på antidepressiv medicin,” skriver Poulsen. Han forholder sig ikke til eksempelvis Irving Kirschs bog “The Emperor’s New Drugs” fra 2009. Her fremlægger Kirsch, der i parentes bemærket er Ph.D. i psykologi og lektor på Harvard Universitet, at man med placebo-piller kan opnå 75-82% af samme effekt, som man opnår med lykkepiller.

Day Poulsen karakteriserer endvidere Gøtzsches kritik af psykiatrien og psykofarmika som “paranoid.” Men der er faktisk god grund til at være skeptisk: Da de amerikanske delstater Minnesota og Vermont gjorde det lovpligtigt for medicinalvirksomheder at indberette, hvor mange tjenester, gaver og penge de udstrakte til læger, viste tallene, at psykiatere fik flere penge af medicinalindustrien end alle andre typer speciallæger.

Det er netop ikke tilfældigt, at det lige er psykiatere, som modtager flest penge fra medicinalvirksomhederne. Undersøgelser viser, at samme diagnose behandles vidt forskelligt i psykiatrien. Som den amerikanske psykiater Daniel Carlat (der selv ordinerer psykofarmaka til sine patiener) har sagt om sit fag: “Vores diagnoser er subjektive og udvidelige, og vi har få rationelle grunde til at vælge én diagnose frem for en anden.” Det amerikanske National Institute of Mental Health har ligeledet konstateret, at psykiatri er et mudret område med uklare diagnoser og tests, og at psykiatere således har mulighed for at anvende vidt forskellige behandlingsmetoder på det samme diagnosebillede.

Diagnosemanualen DSM omtales ofte som “psykiatriens bibel.” I en undersøgelse fra 2006 foretaget af L. Cosgrove et al. kom det frem, at 95% af de fagfolk, som var med til at skrive den, havde finansielle bånd til medicinalvirksomhederne. Hvis Day Poulsen vil karakterisere en skepsis over for psykiatrien som “paranoid,” så kunne man omvendt sige, at den, der ikke ser grund til at være skeptisk, har en tiltro til autoritetsfigurer, som visse psykiatere nok ville karakterisere som dependent.

Nietzsche and Buddhist Philosophy

Nietzsche saw Being as a myth at times, but neither the Buddha nor Nagarjuna ever saw Being as a “myth.” Rather, they saw it as a delusion that humans superimpose upon the world. It was Nietzsche, especially the Nietzsche of Twilight of the Idols, who saw Being as a myth.

What Nietzsche and Buddhism do have in common is the tendency to psychologize even static fields of knowledge – to submit even fixed natural laws to introspection, mind, and moods. A major tenet of Buddhist philosophy can be succinctly summed up as a “pre-reflective commitment to substance metaphysics.”

Nietzsche did not believe in a unified subject, but nor did he commit to a complete empirical disentangling of the subject the way the Buddha did. To Buddha, the individual could famously be reduced to elementary-pieces (skadhas). To use an analogy from Zen writer Brad Warner, the skadhas are like a junk heap – remove the pieces of junk, and there’s no heap. Nietzsche would never accept such a degrading perspective for his Overman – he would view it as fraught with nihilism. (And though this is often misunderstood, Nietzsche was indeed an anti-nihilist.)

To Nietzsche, pain and pleasure are a false polarity because in Nietzsche’s thinking, pain is simply the resistance that one must break through when one wishes to exercise acts of power in the world. Similarly, compassion is worthless to Nietzsche, unless it is the compassion of those who are strong. To Nietzsche, weak people who suffer will infect their compassion with their own suffering and thus only make things worse.

Dispositionen for socialistisk moral er medfødt

Saxo Banks Lars Seier Christensen siger i sin nylige tale til The Adam Smith Institute, at uanset hvor mange gange socialismen fejler, så bliver folk ved med at støtte den. Seiers modvægt til problemerne er at søge råd i Ayn Rands filosofi.

Vdr. pointen om, at socialismen altid kommer igen, selv om den fejler og fejler, så har ny forskning fra Jonathan Haidt, Ravi Iyer, Spassena Koleva m.fl. vist, at moralske intuitioner er bestemt af alle mulige andre faktorer end logik. Vi fødes prædisponerede for en given moral, som har det med at passe godt på en given politisk grundholdning. Har man f.eks. en moralsk intuition om lighed og omsorg, så har man det med at finde socialisme tiltalende, uanset hvor mange gange socialismen fejler, og uanset hvor pilråddent det intellektuelle fundament for socialisme er.

Rands argumentation for frihed og kapitalisme som en moralsk position går ud fra, at alle kan få samme moralske intuition som hende, hvis blot de bruger deres rationalitet. Men empirisk set lader det ikke til at være tilfældet. Seier siger det faktisk også selv i sin tale: Han vidste intuitivt, at de ting man finder i Rand, var rigtige, inden han havde læst hende.

Folk, der er prædisponerede for liberalisme, lader til at være den mindste gruppe, solidt overskygget af folk, som er prædisponeret for konservatisme eller socialisme.

Hvis de ovennævnte forskeres forskning er rigtig, så vil der blive ved med at krybe socialistisk moral ud af krogene, uanset hvor mange gange socialismen fejler. Og så er det bedste, liberale kan håbe på, at overbevise socialister om at lade andre folk være i fred.

Difference between ENTP and INTP

Unsure if you are INTP or ISTP? Take the INTP or ISTP Test here.

The difference between ENTP and INTP

One way to look at it is this: They’re very similar, but the INTP’s greatest source of difficulty is interpersonal relations: Relating to others, being polite and socially smooth, gauging the right timing and mood, etc. – all the non-rational stuff that people do to please each other and make each other feel good.

With the ENTPs, the greatest Achilles heel is not so much manners, but conformity. INTPs tend to have little clue about manners and just “learn a script” that they can hide behind because they feel so out of bounds in a world where moods and feelings carry more weight than logical arguments. By contrast, ENTPs tend to have some flair for just when to say the right thing, the pitch, the mood that they are tapping into and so on. Socially, ENTPs don’t learn a script – they improvise and they love stating the same thing in new ways, each bringing out a difference nuance (where INTPs tend to favor the clearest or most correct way of saying something).

As with their dislike of conformity, ENTPs are also terribly impatient and much more disorganized than INTPs. INTPs, when left to their own devices, tend to develop routines where they deal with things in a factual, logical manner. For example, organizing the overall structure of a book is always the hardest thing to do for an ENTP. It’s like they can’t be sure that a given chapter will say the same thing two weeks from now that it says today. Everything changes according to moods. Compared to the ENTPs, INTPs tend to be more stable. With the INTPs it’s the relation to other people that is foremost problematic, it’s like they’re saying “Dear Lord, help me to survive in this world full of people who make no sense,” whereas with the ENTPs it’s more like “Dear Lord, help me to survive this bland conformity of predictable, zombified, unspirited, trite rehashing – give me something that is new.”

Free MBTI JTI Tests in Foreign Languages

The MBTI Personality Test is the world’s most famous personality test. Here is a good free version in different languages:

How the MBTI Test Works: Everyone has a four-letter type code where they are either:

1: Introverted (I) or Extroverted (E)

People who prefer extroversion use their energy by being alone and get energy by being with people. The opposite applies for introverts who get energy by being alone. Extraverts are action oriented, while introverts are thought oriented. Extraverts seek breadth of knowledge and influence, while introverts prefer depth of knowledge and influence.

2: Sensing (S) or Intuitive (N)

Sensing and intuition tells us about how we gather information. This dimension describes how new knowledge and information is perceived. People who prefer sensing (S) rely more on information and data that can be sensed by the five senses. They like data and facts. People who prefer intuition (N) rely more on what is abstract and theoretical, and they are focused on future opportunities.

3: Thinking (T) or Feeling (F)

Thought and feeling is about how people make a decision. Those who prefer thinking (T) make decisions based on what seems reasonable or logical. This is in contrast to those who make decisions based on feeling (F) – these people use empathy and harmony or considering people’s needs relative to the situation.

4: Perceiving (P) or Judging (J)

People with a preference for J appreciate plans with tight deadlines and they do not like surprises in the schedule. They expect that other people carry out tasks on time and are focused on results and objectives. In contrast, people with P-preference do not appreciate discussing plans, and it is often difficult to get them to agree to tight schedules. They are more concerned with the value of the process than the results and objectives.

More about the MBTI Test

The MBTI test is particularly useful in team building and staff development as test subjects’ profiles are mapped. In the context of teamwork, team members’ types can be inserted in a team compass so that an overview of how the team perceives the world and makes decisions can be articulated. Increased knowledge about one’s colleagues’ diversity can often prevent conflicts.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a personality test that has helped millions of people worldwide gain more insight and understanding of both their own and other people’s behavior. The MBTI test can be a useful tool in various developmental processes, both in relation to individual development as staff development and leadership development, but also in terms of group development. The MBTI test gives an understanding of why we as people respond differently in everyday work situations and under pressure.

Both Jung’s original theory as well as MBTI and JTI and CelebrityTypes is based on observations of the dichotomy, i.e. a contradiction between extraversion and introversion, sensing and intuition, thinking and feeling, judging and perception.
The theory has given rise to some misconceptions, such as thinking types do not have feelings, and feeling types cannot think. This is as wrong as it can be! Everyone has everything, and everyone is okay!