
Version History by Asp


- Hat tip to modig
- Corrected some typops (hat tip to modig)
- Nets: Rules changed to: Snare: Enemies within 1" cannot recover from being knocked down.
- Lance is Armour Piering 3 on Mounted Charges. (And not AP in other situations.)
- Axe is Armour Piercing 1
- Gromril Axe is Armour Piercing 2
- Halberd is Armour Piercing 1
As everyone *still* forget about panic we try out this setup: If a warrior is charged by three or more enemies and there are no friendly models wihtin 3", that warrior must take a Panic test.
- Stupidity range increased from 3" to 6"
Throwing Stars have S2
Throwing Stars fire twice with -1 BS on both shots
Throwing Stars 7gc
- Changed Spell-selection so that Wizards may choose their spells rather than roll for them. (Same thing for Priests.)
- Changed Skaven Skitterleap spell so that it has longer range.
- Corrected Healing Hands Prayer so that it actually heals. (But can only be cast once per game.)
- All Wizards start with two spells.
- Warlock Hired Sword starts with three spells.
- Priest stars with 6xp (now that Wizards have two spells, he is effectively one advance behind)
- Vampire gains Immortal (Treat Dead as Multiple Injuries)
- Zombies M5
- Zombies cannot be taken out of action by missile fire (they are simply stunned) (can still be taken ooa by spells/prayers)
- Zombies I1
- Ghoulkin charged their special rule to: Ghouls within 6" are immune to panic
- Squigs have WS5
- Squigs have Stupidity
- Possessed gains Immortal
- Eshin Assassin looses Immune to Fear
- Eshin Assassin starts with Dodge skill
- Warplock Pistol is Poisonous
- Captains and Champions can take Rogue Skills
- Promoted henchmen may take Rogue skills
- May choose what experience advances they want for their Hired Swords, rather than rolling for them.
- Rout Threshold 5
- Champions have Leader Ability
- Captains and Champions have +1 to injury rolls vs. Animals
- All heroes may choose Strength Skills in addition to their other skill lists (including promoted henchmen-heroes)
- Captains and Champions have Rogue skills. Promoted henchmen may choose Rogue skills.
- Hired swords only lost on D1 rolls of 1
- May choose advances for Hired Swords rather than rolling for them.
Multiple Injuries Increased from 3 rolls to 4
- Also works with Shooting (better for Witch Hunters that way.)
- Size 15
- Witch Hunters size 13
- Rout Threshold 4
- Night Goblins, Skaven and Reiklanders Rout Threshold 5
- Reworked many skills so that all skills appear viable and desirable, and introduced skills of a kind that has not been seen in Mordheim rules before :)


Shooting Skill: Tilean Training: Also adds +1 BS to all shots fired with Crossbow.
New Night Goblin by themasterofstyx on p. 43
New Night Goblin by themasterofstyx on p. 45


Axe cannot be poisoned. (Too good with Slay rule.)
Middenheimers: Wolf Fighters: Champions Hate Animals.
Inquisitor cannnot take Rogue skills.
Witch Hunters cannot take Rogue skills.
Witch Hunters 4XP
Corrected more typos.
Added new Hired Sword: Skaven Skryre Warlock Engineer
Eye of Mork Spell now allows a single model to shoot at hidden enemies.
New Hired Sword: Skryre Warlock Engineer
Switched Hired Sword allowances around
Included a slick Hired Sword overview at the start of each warband entry
Reikland now never rout until they have lost at least five models
City of Gold: hires Hired Swords for their UPKEEP FEE + 5gc
Handgun 30gc (5gc cheaper, makes mercs better)
Duelling Pistol 30gc
Warplock Pistol is Armour Piercing 2
Long Rifle -5gc price
Tome of Magic -20gc price
Possessed max 13 members
Fixed Pit Fighter typo (hat tip to Maciek Dabrowski)
Expanded Overkill rules on page 8 (hat tip to Maciek Dabrowski)
Clarified spell Re-animation (hat tip to Maciek Dabrowski)(re-animated zombies still on the table at the end of the battle do *not* roll for injuries)
Clarified spell Wind of Amüll (this may take target out of close combat)
Halfling +1 WS, +1 BS
Equipment Wardogs (those avaliable to all) now called Powdermonkeys (to discriminate them from Witch Hunter Dogs)(A Powdermonkey can be any animal you would like to field.)
Mounts & Powdermonkeys cannot be bought until you have fought at least one battle (hat tip to Maciek Dabrowski)


- Combat Skill: Jab: Added: "And warrior cannot cause Critical Wounds."
- Serrated Bolts base price 20gc
- Undead Acolytes replaced by Ghoulkin
- Ghoulkin cannot take Academic Skills
- Ghouls can use the Ld of Ghoulkin within 6"
- Possessed Darksouls have no access to Missile Weapons
- Possessed Mutants have new weapons list
- Possessed Beastmen have new weapons list
- Possessed Beastmen max T5
- Possessed Mutants loose access to Speed Skills
- Name Change: Swords 'Swift' ability now called Parry (Goes for Fighting Claws as well)
- Charging Enemies out of line of sight (around corners, completely in cover etc.): Models can charge as far as they have Movement, instead of max 4". (This way it is more intuitive and less frustrating to players who get their charges messed up by this limitation.)
- Combat Skill: Blaze: Warrior has +1 T on profile the turn he charges. Furthermore, warrior automatically passes Initiative tests for charging enemies out of line of sight. (That are around a corner, behind a wall etc.)
- Corrected Typos (Hat tip to Gobbo Freak.)
- Speed Skill: Alley Cat: Warrior may be deployed above ground level.
- Speed Skill: Fleet Footed: May not take warrior's Movement above 8".
- Skaven Smoke Bomb -3 BS (was -2 BS)
- New Mercenary Captain by themasterofstyx on page 43
- Superior Blackpowder Price 30+2D6gc, rare 11+
- Throwing Knives can be fired while Running (during a full move)
- Thorwing Knives 5gc / common
- Skaven max warband size 12
- Swapped Hired Sword allowances around a little. (A Halfling Scount can be a Gnoblar Trapper. A Freelancer can be a Black Knight. A Pit Fighter can be a Champion of Khorne. An Elven Ranger can be a Dark Elf Ranger. A Dwarven Slayer can be a Chaos Dwarf Slayer or... something completely ingenious, stay tuned on the Coreheim homepage...)
- Fighting Claws are no longer Armour Piercing 1
- Fighting Claws are 7gc
- Warplock Pistols is now a normal pistol with the 'Slay' special rule (triples critical wounds)
- Warplock Pistols -5gc
- Strength Skill: Butchery: Also works with Fighting Claws (grants Armour Piercing 1)
- Academic Skill: Tinkerer: Replaced by the following: Arrogance: Hero may re-roll each of his subsequent Experience Advances. The second result stands. Only one warrior in the warband may have this skill at a time. (Hired Swords excluded.)
- Reiklanders:
Champions have Ld8
May postpone Rout Tests until they have lost 5 or more members
- Marienburgers:
Champions may take Rogue Skills
May always deduct 7gc from the upkeep fee of any Hired Sword
- Middenheimers:
Captains always add +1 to their post game injury rolls
Champions always add +1 to their post game injury rolls
- Skaven Spell: Children of the Horned Rat gives 3 extra warband slots. These can only be filled by Giant Rats. Multiple spellcasters with this still still only allow a max Warband Size of 15. If all wizards with this spell are lost, remove warband members of your choice until it reaches 12 members.
- Hedge Magic Spell: Forked Lightning: Range 8", Is Armour Piercing 1
- Skaven Magic Spell: Warp Lightning: Range 8", Can cause Critical Wounds
- Various other tweaks


- Mercenaries: Removed Nuln (We might release an add-on with more Home Provinces at a later time.)
- Mercenaries: Middenheim: Champions hate Animals (Wolf Fighting Fluff)
- Undaed Thralls changed to Acolytes (better fit for the low fantasy setting.)
- Possessed replace 0-2 Ungor heroes with 0-2 Mutants by popular demand.
- Possessed Possessed changed from T4 W3 to T5 W2 (bette versus the new Axe setup)
- Corrected some typos (Hat tip to Dean Frasche.)
- Skaven Fighting Claw gains rule: Pair: A warrior fighting with two Fighting Claws ignores the -1 WS to hit
for Fighting with two Weapons. No effect in rounds of combat where warrior also fired Pistol(s).
- Skaven Warplock Pistols: -5gc, -1S, -1 rairty + Concussion (fluff: exploding bullets)
- Skaven Smokebomb is now: Miscellaneous Equipment. Use at the end of your turn. Until the beginning of your
next turn, all shooting at warrior suffers -2 BS in addition to other modifiers. (No effect versus Spells.)
Cannot be used while knocked down or stunned. One use only.
- Skaven Smokebomb is 3gc
- Power Scroll price lowered to 7+D6gc, rare 8´+
- Net ability changed from -2 I to -1 WS, -1 I
- Axe changed to 'Slay': Critical wounds are tripled to three wounds. (This might be a little too good, but we
are really having trouble finding a good Axe fix. Armour Piercing is strictly worse than the Concussion of
- Combat Skill: Ambidextrous: Removed, ability relegated to Swashbuckler skill
- Combat Skill: Swashbuckler: Removed 'Wins Initiative ties', added ignores the penalty for fighting with two
- New Combat Skill: Jab: In rounds of combat where warrior is fighting with a Spear but without a Shield,
warrior has +1 A and -1 S on profile.
- All Skaven weapon lists now have access to Spear.
- Shooting Skill: Hunter: Also adds +2 to injury rolls (was underpowered)
- Academic Skill: Scribe: Hero may always make new advance a skill. Declare before rolling any dice. When taking the skill, hero gains +2 experience.
- Academic Skill: Rabble Rouser: Revised text to be more streamlined. Made *all* henchmen hate the target.
- Stregnth Skill: Butchery: Hero's attacks with Axe, and Halberd are Armour Piercing 1.
- Stregnth Skill: Scar Dog: Hero all must always add +1 to post game injuries (this is a good thing, higher
rolls means recovery)
- Possessed and Vampire always add +2 to post game injury reduced to always add +1 (but cumulative with Scar
- Speed Skill: Fleet Footed: Changed to suit new Movement System
- Added new brilliant Wizard by Dark Apostle on page 29
- Added new awesome Mutant by Foot on page 49

- Instead of routing when reaching 25%, you rout when reaching a designated amout of causualties (eg. 4 or 5)
- This allows small warbands (with max size 12 to stay in the game longer)
- This allows warbands like Skaven to have max Ld7 (fluffy) and you can change the amount of causalties needed
for them to rout, rather than making them better at taking rout tests
- All in all, a simpler and more precise measure :D

- Removed Fatigue rules. (The rule made many spells spurious by adding difficulty.) (Hat tip to Kasper
- Skaven Skitterleap spell can now be used to place the targeted warrior into close combat (count as
- Skaven Warp Lightning spell needs some small boost. (Send suggestions.)
- Smite Prayer increased to D10+
- Chaos Spell Wings of Darkness may be used to Charge.
- Chaos Spell Word of Command no effect on Undead.
- Waaagh! spell Brain Bursta now deals S6 hits to Wizards and Priests (was S5)
- Eye of Mork spell reduced to 12" radius
- Necromancy Re-Animation completely revamped by popular demand
- Healing Hands prayer increased to 4" radius
- Corrected some typos.

- Many players have asked for Mutations. Yet to my (Asp's) mind there is no way of doing Mutations without
stretching the rules engine a little. Therefore I have provided some _experimental_ Mutations as an add-on for
advanced players. But we need your help and feedback in testing them.

- A special skill list for Undead that replaces Academic skills on Acolytes.


Adapted the Lord of the Rings Movement System, which simply means:
- Warriors have a Movement Value (i.e. 6" for Humans, 8" for Skaven)
- There is no running
- There is no double Move when charging, just normal movement
- Warriors that wish to shoot or hide the same turn they moved, can only move half their Movement, rounded up.
(So the design is simpler, better, allows for more prescition and balance witout adding complexity or slowing down play. On to the stats.)
Humans M6
Goblins M6
Beastmen M7
Skaven M8
Vampire M8
Possessed M7
Zombies M6 (we would like to give Zombies M5, but then they would need some other boon to compensate - email us with suggestions.)
Troll/ Rat Ogre/ Ogre M7
Elves M7
Dwarves M5
Halflings M6
Ghouls M6
Dogs/Squigs/Wolves M8
Horse M10
Bretonnian Horse M12
Added Leg Injury (-1M) to Heroes' Post-game Injuries.
Warrios can no longer leave Close Combat if all enemies are knocked down or stunned (this permitted several exploits, such as moving back and shooting)
Academic Skill: Apothecary: Hero may alliviate the melancholia/hysteria of other warriors, not just himself.
Academic Skill: Tinkerer: Hero may add Accuracy (+1 BS) to any Handgun or Normal Pistol he uses.
Strength Skill: Pack Rat: Warrior may ignore a single Leg Injury.
Speed Skill: Riposte: Renamed to Quicksilver (People didn't know the word Riposte.)
Speed Skill: Wall Runner: Warrior may climb up to 7" (was 6")
Rogue Skill: Malice: Cannot be used in the first round of combat.
Added Mercenary Home Province: Nuln: Champions can take Academic skills, Handguns and Long Rifles in addition to their normal skill lists and weapons choices.
Pit Hounds are Daemons
Net ability entanble now called Snare
Corrected a Typo regarding Jumping Down.
(Hat tip to user Blast Furnace.)
Corrected numerous typos and ambiguities.
(Hat tip to Kasper Laursen.)
Unique Spells v.0.7
Many typos and inaccuracies corrected


Added to Arms expert: Only one member of the warband can have this skill at a time. (For balance reasons)
Quick Shot now also avaliable as Speed Skill (sorely needed for Undead and Possessed)
Quick Shot now has: When firing twice with poisoned Bow (any kind) only one shot per round will be poisonous.
Arms Expert now also avaliable as Academic Skill.
Added Combat Skill: Ambidextrous: Warrior ignores the penalty for fighting with two weapons. Warrior must have A2 or more on profile when choosing this skill.
Combat Skill Blaze changed: warrior may charge non-visible enemies as far as he has movement. (Rather than the normal 4")
Rogue Skill Cold Killer renamed to Stalker
Rogue Skill Snap Shot also adds +2" to the range of any Short Bow hero uses
Rogue Skill Poisoner added: Members of Witch Hunter warbands may not take this skill
Speed Skill Lightning Reflexes renamed to Riposte
Speed Skill Scale Surfaces added "and may pass over obstances up to 2" high without using movement"
Speed Skill Fleet Footed, added limitation: This cannot take warrior's base Movement above 4
Added Shooting Skill Yeoman: Warrior ignores the penalty for moving and firing with Longbow and Elven Bow and adds +4" to the range of these weapons.
Added Strength Skill Butchery: And the end of each Close Combat phase, if all of warrior's enemies are knocked down or stunned, warrior may make an extra attack with Axe or Gromril Axe. the attack wounds automatically and ignores Armour No effect if warrior is knocked down or stunned himself, or not armed with Axe or Gromril Axe.
Added Rogue Skill: Malice: At the start of each Close Combat phase take a Leadership test. If passed, warrior hates one target enemy for the remainder of that phase.
Religious Relic works with the Malice Rogue skill
Possessed introduce Beastmen
0-2 Ungors replace Heretics as Junior Heroes
4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 5
combat, speed, rogue
0-2 Gors replace Lurkers
4 4 4 3 4 1 3 1 6
Darksouls have a natural 6+ armour save
Darksouls A1
Darksouls can now use club/axe/sword and short bow/ bow
Darksouls 30gc
(Hint: Darksouls are actually pretty good ranged heroes now)
Possessed Max W4
Possessed Max S8
Vampire Max W3
Ogre Max I5
Halfling Max Ld8
Halfling Max I7
Elf Max I8
Flagellants have no BS
Fanatics have no BS
Fanatics that reach 7 xp without becomming heroes add +1 M to their profile instead (they are too puny to advance a 4th time)
Fanatics cannot hide
Possessed gains ability Immortal: Always add +2 to post-game injuries
Vampire gains ability Immortal: Always add +2 to post-game injuries
(This makes them harder to kill, and encourages players to take chances with them in close combat.)
Night Goblin Boss 17 starting experience
Night Goblin Shaman looses Speed Skills
Night Goblin Shaman gains Academic Skills
Great Squig Mount is Armour Piercing 1
Inquisitor Gains Access to Rogue Skills
Witch Hunters Gain Access to Rogue Skills
Witch Hunters +2 experience
Rout tests start once four models have gone OOA
(see page 10)
Night Goblins may Postpone Rout tests until they have lost five models
Eshin Skaven may Postpone Rout tests until they have lost five models
Skaven max ld 7
Eshin Assassin ld 7
Eshin Assassin looses Immune to Panic
Middenheimers: Captain also gains Resilient ability
Reikland: May Postpone Rout tests until they have lost five models and Champions start with Leadership 8
Undead Vampire gains restriction: Never use Blackpowder Weapons
Undead replace Acolytes with Thralls.
Same profile, looses Academic skills, gains ability Resilient: Always add +1 to post-game injuries
Ogre Bodyguard -10gc to hire
Dwarf Slayer looses hatred of Goblins
Halfling Scout I4
Halfling Scout special skills: Backstab, Snap Shot, Hide in Shadows
Pit Fighter may take Jump Up
Pit Fighter Ld6
Changed avaliable Hired Swords for Possessed and Skaven
Tweaked Heroes Injury Table (D66)
Made a better Wyrdstone Selling Talbe (see page 60)
Eshin Assassin, Night Runner & Black Skaven can use Axe
Eshin Assassin, Night Runner & Black Skaven can use Net
Eshin Sorcerer gains access to Academic Skills, +2 xp
Throwing Knives are free
Talisman -5gc base price
Serrated Bolts -5gc base price
Tome of Magic -20gc base price
Poison can only affect Daggers, Axes, Swords, Spears or Missile Weapons
There is no max to the number of henchman groups in a warband
Added this rule:
Henchmen groups with two or more members may opt to re-roll each of their experience advances once. The second result is final. (helps level out power play)
Tweaked many spells
Added Fatigue-penalty (see page 1)


Changed "Immune to Psychology" to "Immune to Fear, Immune to Panic". (This allows for simpler rules notations and  Hatred/ Stupidity on Flagellants, Darksouls etc.)
Dwarf Slayer Hates Goblins
Dwarf Slayer Hates Monsters
Pit Hounds 30gc
Dire Wolves 30gc
(Hat tip to Sam Messenger)
(Must be fielded on Cavalry Bases, 20 x 50mm)

Night Goblin Shaman looses access to Academic skills
Night Goblin Shaman gains access to Rogue skills
Decapitate Strength skill now only works with Axes, Gromril Axes and Great Weapons
Henchman experience cap changed from 14 to 9.
Henchmen experience advances changed:
2, 5, 9, 14
2, 4, 6, 7
(Henchman experience was way too weigthy in the calculation of warband rating. These new thresholds are far more balanced. It does have a rather big con though; players whose use pen & paper rooster sheets will need to anote Henchman experience differently. Our apologies to these players and we hope to be able to provide Coreheim-specific rooster sheets in the future.)
Possessed Magister, Heretic & Cultist can no longer use flail.
Mercenary Home Provinces tweaked:
Reikland: Champions have Academic Skills and Ld8.
Marienburg: Champions have access to Rogue skills.
Middenheim: Champions always add +1 to Post Game Injury rolls. (This improves their survival rates as the new D66 chart always goes from Dead -> Recovery.)
Academic Skill 'Scribe' replaced with Tinkerer:
Tinkerer: Warrior counts as being equipped with one of the following: Serrated Bolts, Toad Tongue, Talisman or Telescope. (You may choose which before each battle.)
Academic Skill 'Commander' replaced with Mimic:
Mimic: Warrior may now use Blunderbuss, Crossbow and Long Bow in addition to his other Missile Weapon proficiencies. (Warriors can use Blunderbuss even if they have no Ballistic Skill characteristic.) Only one member of the Warband may have this skill at a time.
We still need better proposals for Academic skills. Send them to us, please!
Blunderbuss now 20gc, rare 7+
(Making Blunderbuss more common makes it harder for players to clumb their warbands together on the tabletop.)
Possessed now able to buy Daemonic Gifts instead of Skill Advances. See page 50
Possessed -1T, +1W, +5gc

Dual-wielding changed back to the plain "-1 to hit on both attacks".
(Advanced rules proved too confusing for new players.)
Mercenary home provinces brought back by popular demand.
Rat Ogre is Armour Piercing 1
River Troll is Armour Piercing 1
(Hat tip to Brian Kaufman.)
Academic skills reworked.
Send us your proposals for Academic Skills!
Backstab Rogue skill changed: "All wounds that warrior inflicts with Daggers are Critical Wounds, except where he needs dice rolls of 6 to wound."
Eshin Sorcerer looses access to Academic Skill.
Eshin Sorcere -2 starting xp
Possessed hero setup changed:
• 1 beefy Possessed as the leader
• 2 Magisters (Wizards) as senior heroes.
Possessed Pit Hounds are Armour Piercing 1 (fluff: due to large horns)
Pit Hounds +5gc
(Pit Hounds now perfectly balanced vis-a-vis Dire Wolves.)
Possessed Beastmen changed back to Darksouls (fits better with the Low Fantasy setting.)
Warhound Statline typo between Witch Hunter and Equipment lists have been removed.
(All Warhounds should be 4 4 - 4 3 1 4 1 5)
(Hat tip to Samuel Greene.)
Reload Rule for Pistols completely removed.
Duelling Pistols +5 gc
Warplock Pistols +5 gc
Strength Skill Two-hander makes Halberd Armour Piercing 1 in addition to its other abilities.
Infiltration skill removed. (Oldie, goodie, but a wall of text and only seldomly chosen by players.)
Added Rogue Skill Cold Killer: Warrior can pick any target when firing Missile Weapons and cannot be Intercepted.
Elven Ranger can take Cold Killer as Skill Advance
Power Scrolls do not work with Prayers.
We need a better rules configuration for Throwing Knives. Right now they are kind of hard to use effectively. Email us with suggestions for Throwing Knives setup!
Possessed Acolytes renamed to Heretics.
Undead Pariahs renamed to Acolytes.
Arabyen Horse renamed to Bretonnian Horse.
Axe 'Cleave' ability renamed to 'Slay'
(Purely cosmetic changes but evocative names add to the background.)

Axe replace Armour Piercing with Cleave: +1 Strength vs. enemies Knocked Down
Shields are 5gc
Shield grant a 6+ Save
Shields gain a new rule:
Nimble: Warriors whose two close combat weapon choices are Shield and [Club, Axe or Sword] gain a 5+ save from Shields instead.
Strength does not negate armour saves at all.
Instead we introduce Weapons that deduct -2 from the enemy's Armour Save:

Piercing -1
Gromril Axe
Duelling Pistol

Piercing -2
Great Weapon
Long Rifle
Warplock Pistol
Ithilmar Weapon is now always a Sword. (Which grants +2 I)
Gromril Weapon is now always an Axe. (With Armour Piercing 1 and Cleave)
Dual-Wielding now:
Fighting with Two Weapons, One is a Dagger: -1 WS to both attacks
Fighting with Two Weapons, None of them Daggers: -2 WS to both attacks
Weapons Training skill removes Dual-Wielding Penalties
Smoke Bomb is 5gc
Heroes’ Post-game Injury Chart moved around so that the order is more intuitive

Great Weapons are Armour Piercing

Mercenary Special Rules Removed
Mercenary Champions start with 4xp
Freelancer looses Immune to Panic
Freelancer Ld8
Freelancer I4
Strength Skill Pack Rat: Warrior ignores Encumbered and Burdensome
Ilthilmar Armour -20gc, rare 10+
Sigmarite Armour rare 11+


Added Encumbered Rule to provide more interesting tactics
for equipping warriors. (See page 12)
Added Strength skill pack rat to get around this.
Heroes Post-Game Injuries (35) changed from stupidiy to -1
Strength Skills Revamped
Rogue Skills can now be used while wearing Heavy Armour
Academic Skills simplified
Infiltration skill simplified
Large Target rule completely removed
Horse M6
Added Arabian Horse M7, 50gc
Net now 5gc,
Entangle: Attacks against knocked down enemies wound
automatically and ignore armour saves.
Flail now adds a flat +1 S bonus in all rounds of combat
Flail is Cumbersome: Warrior can carry no other weapons
Flail is 5gc
Flagellants cannot use Great Weapon
Darksouls cannot use Great Weapon
Strongman skill allows warrior to gain +2 S from Flails
Possessed Cultists can use Flails
Clanrats can use Flails
Eshin Assassin Immune to Psychology
Eshin Assassin +10gc
Eshin Night Runners -5gc
Halfling Scout does not add +1 to Warband Size
Halfling Scount can take Snap Shot as a Special Skill
Freelancer looses Warhorse
Freelancer -5 gc upkeeo
Freelancer -5 rating
Freelancer -1 Strength
Pit Fighter with Spear & Net looses Light Armour
Dwar Slayer looses the Monster Slayer Rule
Warhounds M4
Vampire M4
Dire Wolves M4
Cave Squigs M4
River Troll M4
Pit Hounds M4
Giant Rats M4
Rat Ogre M4
Eshin Clanrats M4
Eshin Black Skaven M4
Eshin Sorcerer M4
Eshin Night Runners M4
Eshin Assassin M4
Rat Ogre -1 S, -20gc
River Troll -1 S, -20gc
Monsters +15 to warband rating
Possessed Magister Two Spells, 75gc
Possessed can buy Mutations
Darksouls Replaced with Beastmen

Night Goblin Fanatics 0-2
Adjusted Max Characteristics for Several Races

Large Targets no longer confer a +1 BS penalty but may still always be
Skaven Warplock Pistols S5, 30gc, rare 10+
Warhounds -1WS
Squigs -1WS
Dire Wolves -1WS
Pit Hounds -1WS
Giant Squigs Mount -1WS
Leader ability does not apply to Animals.
Witch Hunter Flagellants 0-5
Night Goblin Rogues -1 LD
Night Goblin Rogues -1 BS
Night Goblin Rogues -5 gc
Flagellants can use Dagger
Fanatics can use Dagger
Darksouls can use Dagger
(Now that Daggers cannot be dual-wielded there is no reason not to
allow this.)
Throwing Knives are 5gc
Skaven Night Runners 25gc
Combat, Shooting, Speed, Rogue
5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5

Great Weapons reduced to only -1 Strike Initiative.
Ithilmar Weapon 60gc
Gromril Weapon 60gc
Ogre Bodyguard Immune to Panic
Ogre Bodyguard looses Light Armour
Ogre Bodyguard max S5 (S6 + Great Weapon too brutal)
Freelancer Immune to Panic (go Don Quixhote!)
Witch Hunters cannot use Throwing Knives
Undead Vampire Max S4 (S5 + Halberd was an exploit)
Undead Acolytes renamed to Pariahs
Undead Pariahs gain access to Academic skills
Night Goblins max warriors 20
River Troll Immune to Panic
Possessed Possessed T5, No Pain, +15gc (Now it plays more like a tough monster, what players intuitively expect)
Possessed Possessed can never use Weapons (max S7 + Great Weapon / Halberd would be too brutal)
Possessed Lurkers 0-5
Possessed max size 12
Possessed 'Shroud' spell replaced with Resolve (as Lurkers already have Shroud)
Hedge Magic replaces 'Flight' with 'Magic Weapon' (so Warlocks will always gain at least one damage spell and not be stuck with Haste + Flight)
Shields are 7gc
Spears are 5gc (switched the prices, should have done so a long time ago)
Skaven Hero setup revamped
Assassins loose Strength
Skaven Clanrats renamed to Pawlings
Rat Ogre Immune to Panic
Skaven cannot use Axes
Fighting Claws simplified
Warplock Pistols back
Smoke Bombs introduced
Misc items rearanged
Skills rearanged
Warriors cannot carry two Two-handed Weapons and/or Polearms. (seals the Great Weapon + Polearm exploit)
Close Combat Attacks against Knocked Down enemies hit automatically
Close Combat Attacks against Stunned enemies hit automatically
All Daggers are free
Warriors cannot Dual-wield two Daggers
Warriors armed with multiple Weapons may freely switch between them at the start of each Close Combat phase
(all of this is an attempt to balance the fact that formerly, it was _always_ better for warriors armed with Great Weapons or Halberds to take a Shield than to take a sidearm (club, sword, etc.)
Removed the Flight spell. (Haste is more strategically interesting as it can move other models and prevents the possibility of Wizards getting redundante spells [flight + haste]).
Hedge Magic Flight replaced with Magic Weapon
Chaos Magic Flight replaced with Haste
Horned Rat Magic Flight replaced with Magic Weapon
Talisman Misc. Equipment only works with Clubs
Things that need fine tuning:
1 Possessed hero tweaking
2 Skaven hero tweaking
3 More misc. equipment
4 Skill tweaking

Merc Champions +5gc
Merc Youngbloods -1 Ld
Merc Warriors -1 Ld
Merc Marksmen -1 Ld
Witch Hunter Witch Hunters +5gc
Witch Hunter Zealots -1 Ld
Undead Acolytes -1 Ld
Undead Necromancer -1 Ld, -2 xp, -5 gc
Undead Dregs -1 Ld
Night Goblin Champions +5 gc
Night Goblin Warriors -1 BS
Possessed Possessed Immune to Psychology
Possessed Initiates access to Academic skills, +2 xp
Possessed Magus -1 Ld, -2 xp, -5gc
Skaven Novices +5gc
Halfling HS -1 BS
Warlock HS -1 Ld
(Nerfing LD for many models allows for a nerfing of fear)
Fear is now the same wheather charging or charged (LD-test if failed: -2 WS)
Panic test moved to the start of the close combat phase (LD-test if failed: -3 WS)
Penalties for failing multiple fear and panic tests stack
WS-scale incrased to end with 8.
BS-scale increased to end with 7.
'To hit'-table tweaked to make it possible to hit only on 6s with WS/BS 1.
All models have +1 WS, +1 BS. (The chance of hitting remains the same as before.)
Skills revised and rearanged
Rogue skills cannot be used while wearing heavy armour
Marienburg Champions access to all six skill lits
Possessed New Henchman Type:
0-2 Lurkers
3 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6
Hide in Shadows
Flail is 10gc
Fanatics +5gc
Flagellants +5gc
Darksouls +5gc

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